Get “like live” training through our online programs!

Let’s face it, you aren’t going to train an employee with a book or single DVD. Quality training is done with a process. To provide your team with the best possible, extensive training, Casey has created step-by-step, programs that incorporate streaming video, workbooks and online tests. Test scores are sent to a manager and with certain programs the employee can’t move onto the next video without scoring 80% or better. This helps to ensure your team is trained right.

Selling Fitness Training Program

Want your staff to have comprehensive sales training but need a better price and more flexibility to training time? Problem solved! The Selling Fitness Training Program.

This is the exact content Casey teaches in her Sales Boot Camp two-day on-site training. The content is divided up into modules that range from 20-30 minutes in length. Each module has a downloadable workbook and a test. The user cannot move onto the next module until they have taken the test.

The content flow is as follows:

  • Welcome, introduction, being a professional. (Customized with branded site)
  • The 8-steps to successful selling, overview. (2 videos)
  • The meet and greet.
  • Telephone skills (4 videos)
  • Qualifying (3 videos)
  • Touring (3 videos)
  • Membership Presentation (Customized with branded site)
  • Overcoming objections (4 videos)
  • Referrals (2 videos) (Customized with branded site)
  • Organizational skills (3 videos)

In addition to the workbooks, videos and tests, there are action plans that are used to guide each user through the material and give them integration exercises. There are 3 different Action Plans to meet your club and staff needs; self-paced, 7-day and 14-day. The video, workbook and test content is the same for each program; the only thing that changes is the amount of integration exercises.

Once the core competency training is complete (this initial 14 hours) the standard training continues throughout 92 days from the day they begin. Each week the user gets an advanced video training as well as a motivational message from me.

Three Options to Choose!
  1. Single User Subscription
    This option is for a club that only wants to put one user through the course AND you don’t want on-going training after the initial program is complete.
  2. Multi-User Monthly Membership
    This option is for clubs that have multiple staff that need to be trained. Here you get 4 users at any given time. Therefore, if a staff member leaves you simply remove that person and add the new trainee.
    With the membership program there is also a back-end to the core-training site. This gives users access to additional information in each area of the sales process (audios, videos, articles) along with a monthly webinar training and Q/A. This webinar is filmed live but is put up for replay purposes. (Additional users can be added to this option to meet all your staffing needs.)
  3. For multi-club operators we can create a custom, branded site for your team that includes several videos recorded specifically for your team. If you are interested in this, please click the Ask Casey button and submit for a free consultation.